Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First few days are going well

Hello, Hello...

Reporting in from Buenos Aires! My classes have begun and everything is going well. Let's see what all has happened since I last wrote. I've settled in quite nicely. Everyone in the dorm is very nice and I've been able to speak a lot of Spanish, which is wonderful for me. I've enlisted a few friends as my Spanish teachers, so that makes life fun. Julio (from Peru) is constantly for mixing up pensar/creer (to think), ser/estar (to be) and saber/conocer (to know). It's confusing because all of those pairs mean the same thing in English, so I have to work extra hard to differentiate when I need to use one over the other. I can already tell that I'm getting better and he tells me that I'm doing well, so at least we're making progress.

Today I started my class and after a bunch of difficulties with the program that I'm in, I got it all worked out. My program (GIC Argentina) sends its TEFL students to the TEFL International classes, but they never told me that or where to go or when. It's all sorted out, so no need to worry about me. The other people in the group seem to be very nice. As far as I can tell the daily routine is classes from 10-1, lunch from 1-2, then classes from 2-5. The school is about a 25 minute walk from my dorm and is pretty much a straight shot. There is one Argentine and one Brit and the rest are Americans in my 14 person class. There are 2 older women (in their 40s-50s probably), 2-3 people in their 30s, and the rest seem to be in their 20s. We went to lunch together in several different groups so it was nice to get to talk to a few people then. It seems that the last bit of the day is set aside to prepare the lesson that we present the next day. So basically, they teach us one way to teach vocabulary/grammar/etc and then we create a lesson to give to the class the next day. The lessons seem boring to me, but I guess it will all work out.

It looks like I might be getting an apartment with 3 other people from my dorm, which would be wonderful. They are the 3 people that I like the best here, so that would be awesome. They are Katherine (from England), Francisco (from Columbia), and Julio (from Peru). We've just started the search, and once we get some things figured out between us and figure out the system, it should work out well.

That's all for now. I'll post some pictures soon!

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