Thursday, June 19, 2008

Welcome Home

I am so lucky to have found such a wonderful second family to add to my life. And I am finally here with all of them again!

*An update for those of you who I didn't know in 2006.*
In Spring 2006, I studied abroad in Toulouse, France on the SIT (School of International Training) program. We all lived with host families and I really lucked out. I lived with the Lapeze family made up of 2 parents and 5 children. They are: Vianney (dad) and Domitille (mom) and Quitterie (now 12.5), Alexis (11), Ségolène (9), Tanguy (7), and Foucault (5). In case you're not sure, cause I wasn't before I got here that's girl, boy, girl, boy, boy. They are a wonderful, however sometimes crazy family, which you can only expect with so many people in one house. I became friends with an entire side of the family, including visits to the grandparents (Ma and Grandpapa) and the cousins near Montpellier. I will make similar trips to see these people soon as well. They took me to all family events including a reunion, a first communion, Easter, etc. Needless to say, I was excited to see them after 2 years.

I arrived in Toulouse on Tuesday evening after a lovely morning at the beach in Barcelona. Alexis and Quitterie picked me up at the train station with their father in their nice shiny new (American) minivan. The French don't often hug, so these huge hugs were wonderful! I saw Ségo and Domitille at the house, but the youngest two were already alseep. We ate Chinese food and watched France lose in the EuroCup. I surveyed the house for new things and they pointed out all the new electronics/appliances which were all of course American. Vianney is a huge fan of America if you couldn't tell already.

On Wednesday, I spent the morning walking around Toulouse and remembering all of my favorite places. I walked past our old school, the shopping street, the discount sports/camping store where I bought my backpack and a couple of markets. Most everything is just how I remembered it. It is wonderful to be back. The afternoon was consumed by Foucault's 5th birthday party. Birthday parties for 5 year olds are always more commotion and noise than you expect, and this one was no exception. There was cake, and presents, and Alexis put on a magic show for the little ones. I got to see the aunt that lives down the street who we spent a lot of time with when I was here. I also got to meet her husband for the first time because he had been with the French Air Force in Afghanistan the whole time I was here. He was stationed with the American army and is very proud of his English skills, so we spoke in English a bit. The evening was for relaxing and homework.

Today and tomorrow I am on my own for the whole day to play around the city. Friday, Foucault is getting his tonsils removed, so he will take his new toys to the hospital to occupy him. I'm going to try to organize the other kids tonight to make him cards.

I now have skype acess, so I hope to be able to talk to you soon.


Floflo said...

Cool !
I wish I could have met you while you are in France. Unfortunately I'm about 700 kilometers (7 hours in train) away from Toulouse...
It must be great to have fun with a family with so many young kids. It's been a looong time since I last went to a birthday party with games, magic shows, etc.

Toulouse is the best ! (After Albi :-D ... Well actually I prefer Toulouse to go out)

And yeah French people don't hug often because they are too timid... And I don't know to me it just seems weird, even with family. Excepted in some special circumstances/events perhaps.

I don't use Skype but I often use MSN (Windows Live Messenger), so maybe we'll meet there someday.

Sally said...

This is Mom. Do you remember your 5th birthday party? We had just moved to VA. All the kids in the neighborhood decorated their bikes and rode around. It was very cute!

Glad you are having fun. Love to the whole family.


Laura said...

I'm so glad you are having fun with the fam back in Toulouse. Tell everyone hello for me and good luck to Foucault during surgery. Have you been back to the "park"? I remember it being so big :-P Have fun, eat yogurt, use cloth napkins, and enjoy your room.

Vianney said...

Trop sympa tes commentaires sur ta famille Française;
En tout cas nous avons été ravis de te retrouver, et éspérant que tu revienne trés vite; mais en tout cas, nous aussi nous viendrons au USA, c'est promis!!!!!
Gros bisous

Ta French Family
Vianney, Domitille, Quitterie, Alexis, Ségoléne, Tanguy, et Foucault.